Shorter AOG RFQ response times

Patrick Morcus
Nov 10, 2021
min read
Product Updates

You know the drill. AOG RFQs are coming in, and you want to give it maximum attention by responding lightning fast. Now you can auto-assign AOGs to your AOG desk to minimize the delay. 

An auto-assignment rule based on RFQ priority

In Rotabull, you can now auto-assign RFQs based on priority to specific teams or users.

How does this work for your AOG Desk?

You create an AOG desk team and you set auto-assign RFQs with priority AOG to this team.

Auto-assignment AOG RFQs - Rotabull

The AOG team will receive every incoming AOG RFQ.

The other auto-assignment rules still remain available, such as auto-assignment of RFQs based on request type. 

Auto-assign RFQs with new types of routing rules

Users who work on specific accounts can get RFQs automatically delivered directly into their inbox.

Auto-assignment companies to users/teams - Rotabull

Rotabull frees up sales teams' time by eliminating the repetitive and time-consuming parts of their day-to-day work.

If you haven't seen Rotabull in action yet, get a demo

We think you won't want to go back once you see this.

Patrick Morcus
Nov 10, 2021